Monahan Post Band Uniform
Date: 1940
Description: This uniform was worn by a member of the Monahan Post Band, one of the most famous bands in Sioux City. It began in 1920, when eight World War I veterans from the newly formed American Legion Monahan Post formed a band in order to strengthen the post. They united under former army bandmaster Barney Flanagan, and their numbers quickly grew. Soon membership was open not just to veterans of the post but community members as well. Their first concert was at Central High School in May 1921, and they became very popular and started competing in national competitions and awarded the title of “Official Band of the American Legion.” In 1927 the band went for a competition in Paris. The band was the head of the parade of bands that marched down the Champs-Élysées, and over one million French citizens lined the avenue to watch the bands. The Monahan Post Band received first place in the Paris competition, and it was considered the highlight of the band’s career.
The band ceased competitions during the Depression but they continued to play locally. They were a huge driving force behind the Bandshell in Grandview Park, built in 1935. The band continued to play nationally in competitions until 1948, when it ceased association with the American Legion and became the Sioux City Municipal Band, which still plays summer concerts at the Grandview Bandshell. This particular uniform belonged to Leo Kucinski, who directed both this band and the Sioux City Symphony.
*For more information on the Monahan Post Band, visit Siouxcityhistory.org*
Donor: Sioux City Parks and Recreation
On display